Monts Tingui
The Monts Tingui bio-diversity zone (ZBD) stretches across the departments of Kong and Dabakala alongside the Comoé National Park. The Monts Tingui (Association de Gestion des Ressources et de Faune: AGEREF) was created in 1996 through the West Africa Pilot Community Based Natural Resources and Wildlife Management Project of the World Bank (Gestion Participative des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune: GEPRENAF).
Today there are low densities of the iconic species left in Côte d’Ivoire. One of the last, if present, population of savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana) is thought to occur along the Comoé and in the Monts Tingui region. Buffalo populations are still existent yet unstable and may decrease to unsustainable levels if no intervention is done. The area between the Kinkéné and Comoé Rivers is an ideal area to initiate a project which involves both the local populations and wildlife. This area also contains one of the few remaining populations of chimpanzees which have learned to migrate from one forest gallery to the next as they seek to adapt to serious deforestation and human encroachment.